Saturday, July 18, 2015

Khamenei says nothing has changed: Death to America and Israel. Kumbayah

One thing we can count on is Iran treating us in the manner in which we are accustomed. The supreme leader and spiritual head of the Shi'ite theocracy, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said that the nuclear deal will in no way effect their long-held sentiments toward the U.S. and Iran will continue to hate us.

Some Iranians were undoubtedly worried that their morning ritual chant: "Death to America! Death to Israel!" will be banned, and a new, softer side of Islam will replace it. No worries, Iranians, you will continue to enjoy the hatred.

Khamenei said that our Middle East policy goes against the Iranian strategy and they will continue to support their allies, which includes Hezbollah (because it rhymes with Ayatollah), the Lebanese, the Syrians, and the Palestinian anti-Zionist, anti-Semitic groups.

Obama's Kumbayah moment is not to be experienced by our Islamic friends in Iran. "Our policy towards the arrogant U.S. government won't change at all," the scumcrumpet trumpeted on Iranian TV, as he marked the end of Ramadan, the Muslim "holy" fasting month, a month in which millions of Muslims throughout the world will experience halitosis and unabashed anger caused by their empty stomachs.

Iran refers to Hezbollah as a "resistance movement" while we  call it a terrorist group that has more in common with a bowel movement. And Khamenei still calls for the destruction of Israel as prescribed in the Islamic "holy" book, the Koran.

Leftists in all grovels of life are angry over Israel's refusal to allow Iran and other Islamic nations to annihilate them. It isn't a stretch to think Obama is rooting for the same thing.

"Death to America, Death to Israel, Amen"
Bibi Netanyahu strongly opposes the nuclear deal as it will allow Iran to climb out of the cesspool economy it brought down on itself from the sanctions. The deal will also do nothing to stop Iran's aggression in the Middle East and this poses a serious threat to the Jewish State.

Not a fan of US
The terror cleric Khamenei said that "U.S. policies in the region are 180 degrees in contrast to Iran's policies. Whether this text is approved or disapproved, we won't give up supporting our friends in the region. The oppressed Palestinian nation, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Bahrain, the honest mujahedeen of resistance in Lebanon and Palestine will enjoy our constant support."

This should tell you all you need to know about the deal. 

Khamenei is the big honcho and he can back out of the deal at the drop of a head. But in all likelihood, he probably won't, because he knows Iran got everything they wanted and Obama got the Brooklyn Bridge.

Congress now has 60 days to cave-in on the deal, and the way they've been caving (including the GOP), they will probably not get a super-majority to stop the future carnage.

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