Sunday, November 13, 2011

Hypocrisy Squared

Change--please change
On January 21, 2009, Barack Hussein Obama welcomed his new senior staff and Cabinet Secretaries to the White House. He made one of his typical flowery speeches but the most important thing he told them was:  

"Going forward, anytime the American people want to know something that I or a former president wants to withhold, we will have to consult with the Attorney General and the white house counsel, whose business it is to ensure compliance with the rule of law. Information will not be withheld just because I say so; it will be withheld because a separate authority believes my request is well-grounded in the Constitution. Let me say it as simply as I can: transparency and the rule of law will be the touchstones of this presidency."

Now his Attorney General, Eric Holder, has his own problems, not with transparency, but his lack of it in the now famous, (at least to the conservative media audience), Fast and Furious operation, where weapons were allowed to "walk" into the hand of straw buyers and subsequently, to drug cartels. At least two weapons were responsible for the murder of ICE agent Brian Terry.  Holder denies any knowledge of the operation, the administration is not releasing all the records requested, and the roots of this operation are as transparent as Obama's secret meeting on the actual issue of transparency, back in the same year he took office. Yes, you read this correctly--Obama had a secret meeting on the issue of transparency and how it should be "handled" by his people.  This is known as hypocrisy. At least Holder was not guilty of being hypocritical as he did not call the parents of Brian Terry, nor say to them that he was sorry for the agent's death.

Hypocrisy: the state of pretending and professing to have standards, virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, and the like, that one does not actually possess. It involves deceit, falseness. Hypocrite: one who practices hypocrisy

 Used in the following sentences:
1. Liberals tend to display hypocrisy when attacking conservatives. 2. Who is more of a hypocrite, Nancy Pelosi or Barack Obama? 

Let's get specific. Bill-Smoke-This-Clinton could not keep his pants from falling below his knees when he was, in the liberal mind, the greatest president who ever did not have sex with that woman . . . Miss Lewinsky. The media protected him, even after other women came forward. Lots of other women. Instead of looking into Bill's behavior, they attacked the women who were harassed by Bill. On the other hand, when Clarence Thomas, a Republican, was accused by Anita Hill of sexually harassing her, the media was all over him and made her out to be a saintly victim of this oversexed black man. Liberals always see black men as oversexed while they pretend to be the party for racial equality. Tell that to the southern blacks lynched by the Dixiecrats for looking at a white woman.

Now we have Herman Cain, who is being accused of nonspecific inappropriate behavior, by three anonymous women and one woman who seems suspect due to her past and her current need for money. Chris Matthews already labeled Cain as guilty, without a trial, without evidence, and for Matthews, with nothing more than a tingle up his leg for Obama. The liberal rationale is, that if one woman makes a claim of sexual misconduct, well, no big deal. If two, then maybe there's something to it. Three, well he must be guilty. Four is a given. Except that all four women were connected to the National Restaurant Association, all from Chicago, and one even lives in David Axelrod's building. And if you know anything about Axelrod and Chicago politics, you know that having doubts about the authenticity of anything he is involved with, is legitimate.  

Cain only worked for the NRA for 3 years and has decades more time in businesses spent elsewhere, and he has an impeccable record. In America, a man is innocent until proven guilty. That's what separates us from dictatorships. And let's face it, no matter what those morons on the left say about America, you don't have any leftists moving from here to Russia, Saudi Arabia, Iran, etc. They come here because of our freedoms and opportunity.

Killing babies since 1966
Hypocrisy on the left is clearly visible with certain leftist organizations, like the National Organization for Women, "taking no real action for women since 1966." Their claim to fame was burning their bras back in the 60's along with the proud killing of babies, but when it comes to real feminist issues, like those issues where women are stoned to death in certain parts of the world, by their Muslim counterparts for being raped, or for marrying or not marrying those who they wish to marry or not, NOW is as useless as reason at an Occupy protest. NOW should be ashamed of their lack of action where these poor women are concerned, but they dismiss them as irrelevant to their cause. I guess killing innocent babies is what they really stand for.
Sharia law in action

In my next blog, I will discuss more hypocrisy as it involves the left and its take on religion, sharia, and the Constitution. Or maybe I'll just rant about something else.


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